Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 11

Sorry, a technical glitch kept this morning's post from going up at its normal be honest, it wasn't computer error, it was totally human: last night, an overtired me picked PM instead of AM as the post hour. D'oh!

This week we're going to examine some of the deeper connections between clutter and time and attachment and our relationship to creation.

To begin our exploration, a video (and then some thoughts after it, so please keep reading below after you watch):

Beautiful to behold isn't it? But it's totally false. Time-lapse is not Creation. Time-lapse is instant gratification. Creation is time-ful, not condensed. Creation is time-ful, kind of like these famous words:

"For everything, there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up..."

Physically, biologically, this is a time for planting and blooming. It may or may not be that way for you right now in your life. What is the season of your spirit at this time? And are you being time-ful with your spirit and with the Spirit?

Until tomorrow...


  1. Spring is the season of my spirit at this time and I was elated to live this beautiful day! Spent time outside with the dogs just breathing in the scents (and sense) of this genuine spring day. Forsythia, daffodils, violets and fresh new buds on the trees intensified the feeling that this is a time for me to build up, to heal, far away from other times of breaking down. Still I have in mind others whose time it is to break down.

    Sharing today's quote from my datebook from Pema Chodron: "We aspire to spend our lives training in the loving-kindness and courage that it takes to receive whatever appears—sickness, health, poverty, wealth, sorrow, and joy."

    Hope everyone had the chance to enjoy at least part of this beautiful day!

  2. For me, the spring is remarkably rejuvenating. Just seeing the first crocuses bloom reminds me that renewal is not only possible, it is inevitable.

  3. As someone with grown children, I have to say that time-lapse photography doesn't even begin to capture the speed with which our children went from buds to roses. And who are all these little people living with them calling them mommy and daddy? How strange - when only yesterday......
