Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 21

A different kind of practice suggestion today: walk somewhere in bare feet where you normally wouldn't.

In the book of Exodus, as Moses receives his Divine call to free his people and sees the Burning Bush, he is told, "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground."

There's something very intimate in that directive, an invitation to not just see, hear or comprehend the revelatory moment, but to actually feel it, to be grounded in it, by removing the barriers between the physical body and the ground of being.

In Springtime we shed layers, the coats and sweaters. It's also a time to shed unnecessary layers of protection, to get grounded again in the elemental stuff. So today, stick your toes in the dirt, in the sand, in the water. Get connected. Feel the place where you are standing or walking.

(Photo courtesy of Dave Goodman)

1 comment:

  1. I was brought up never to go barefoot! - too dangerous - our mom would step on our toes (not very hard) if we went barefoot. I have no idea what her obsession was, but it stuck, and it's a rare day when I go anywhere without shoes. However, I actually did walk barefoot day before yesterday. I felt the velvety carpet of the hallway, the cold marble-like floor in the lobby of the hotel, and the rough stone of the pathway to the outdoor swimming pool on my "tenderfeet." Great sensations. I may just try it again.
