Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 3

Sundays here at the blog will be dedicated to the Sounds of Spiritual Spring Cleaning, music that echoes the key themes of this practice.

First up is a song that sounds like a prayer to me, Tift Merrit's "Engine to Turn." I'm quoting from it in my Sunday morning message today, these lines:

I don't know how to fix the world
I don't know how to fix myself
Seems like we both need some love
Seems like we both need some help.

Maybe you could fix it might
Maybe you could just stare it down
Seems like some tenderness
Could turn the whole thing around.

Part of this practice is the belief that fixing isn't the best metaphor for the change many of us seek. Getting a fix has all kinds of addictive connotations, and, besides, what if we're not truly broken to begin with?

I don't consider Spiritual Spring Cleaning to be a fix. As Tift sings, and Otis did as well, perhaps trying a little tenderness might work better.

Any songs that remind you of this practice so far?


  1. Nice song! I really wish that the non-progressives would try a little tenderness. I had to turn the News off today because they are so angry.

  2. To me Spiruality can only be described as a quiet pleasant peacefullness. I wonder if that comes from the reptile part of our brain? A lizard in the sun?

  3. Wow! What a beautiful song! Gil, what you said really resonated with me today. I just can't connect with people that have so much fear, insecurity, hate, and hopelessness. It scares me that this energy can have such an influence over the population. It makes me sad. I can't comprehend choosing to be so afraid of everything and so set in your ways that you cannot connect with others and look at different points of view. Connecting with Ken's message today about power, some people seem so set on gaining power and influencing others that they will do or say anything to achieve it, even if what they are promoting is clearly not in the best interest of everyone. There are so many people with beautiful, kind, fearless views of life, that I focus on them and do not fuel the energy of things that I find to be completely asinine and focused on promoting discord. Thanks again for sharing, Gil and opening up my thought process ;0)

  4. Ok...I really like the visual of a lizard in the sun. It just seems so warm and peaceful and still. My best friend shared a video of the song Be Here Now by Ray LaMontagne. It just touches me very deeply everytime I hear it. I just can describe the feeling in words just yet. I would like to embed it here, but I'm not sure just how. I will just rely on including the link for now. Thank you for being here now...

  5. Sorry...forgot to add the link:

  6. Oh yeah! I forgot a song! My favorite all time destressing/life is going to be okay song is the famous "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley.

  7. Hey Janie! about 30 years ago I was in Jamaica and drove up in the mountains to Bob Marley's old home. There is now a "Church" next to it and there were 3 little white doves on the roof!

  8. Very cool!! I really like the song, and I really would like to drive up a mountain in Jamaica Gil. :)

  9. When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse
    Out of the corner of my eye
    I turned to look but it was gone
    I cannot put my finger on it now
    The child is grown, the dream is gone
    I have become comfortably numb
