Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 26

Recently some friends started preparing their annual garden. Their thumbs are much greener than mine and my wife's are, but every summer we caretake their plot while they're on vacation and somehow manage not to turn it all brown by the time they return.

One of the things that I really like about this couple is revealed in how, and not just why, they grow their own vegetables. They have as much joy in preparing their garden as they do in harvesting it: laying out the straw beds, carpeting the plot with old newspapers, measuring out the stakes for the tomato plants.

They take pleasure in the planting. The process is as valuable for them as the eventual produce is.

As the Spiritual Spring Cleaning blog starts to wind down this week, I think their attitude in the garden is what underlies this whole practice. Process mattering as much as product. It's a way to re-enchant our lives, to fall back in love with creation.

Even if you're not a gardener, where do you find pleasure in your planting?

I think I first became consciously aware of this lesson when I was a kid and heard the song "Inchworm."

Here's the Sesame St version:

And the one I really remember like it was last week, The Muppets version(although embedding was disabled and you have to click on the link). Inchworm begins at the 2:25 mark if you want to start there. Although I don't think taking the extra time to watch a couple more minutes of The Muppets can be held against you.

(Photo courtesy of Salvadonica, Chianti, Tuscany)


  1. My sweetheart gets such joy out of his garden which is in a neighborhood Franciscan convent - and like your friends, the process is the pleasure - like raising a family. As they say in a song I am paraphrasing from the "Fantastiks" - plant a turnip, get a turnip, not a brussel sprout... but once you've planted children you don't know what you'll get!!

  2. This had me in tears today- in a good way! My mom used to sing the inchworm song to me as a lullaby when I was a little girl. It was so cool to share this with Molly and Lilah today. What a blessing!

  3. Falling back in love with our garden this spring has been a joy as something new is blooming every day.
    A long time friend visited us last night and I am falling back in love with our friendship. What a joy!
    Inchworm sung ala Muppet style is so sweet. Thank you.
