Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 2

Day 1's invitation was to enter our creative unknowing willingly and with a sense of freedom. Here's a quote from Leonard Bernstein that expands on that thought:

“The first moments are critical. You can sit there, tense and worried, freezing the creative energies, or you can start writing something, perhaps something silly. It simply doesn’t matter what you write; it only matters that you write. In five or ten minutes the imagination will heat, the tightness will fade, and a certain spirit and rhythm will take over.”

When you think about what you want to do with this spiritual spring cleaning, what are the first things that come to mind? What's the clutter you want to let go of? What's the fresh air you want to let in? Write those things down. Whatever they are. Don't edit the list.

Then write about what you wrote down. Why do you think you listed what you did? Keep your ideas somewhere you won't lose them. We'll return to them in the coming days.

If you find yourself stuck, take a few moments to view this video on Beginner's Mind. Simple images. But maybe not so simple if we really see what's there. But, after that, please write. Don't delay the beginning.


  1. Thank you for the reminder of the freshness of Beginner's MInd.
    The images are beautiful!
    Hoping to experience the beauty of today with BG!

  2. It's funny, I have no idea what I want to accomplish with this spiritual cleaning. No clue. I can't even start a list. I have a feeling what I am seeking out will magically find me though ;0)

  3. @ Marianne, I hope today has been filled with beginner's mind for you!
    @ Jane, excellent! I hope this practice will all get us thinking beyond the "accomplishment" frame. Maybe this is a more helpful way for me to rephrase my question: what draws you to this practice? If it's not fully developed thoughts, that's great. What images, feelings, stories come into your mind when you contemplate spiritual spring cleaning?

  4. Thanks, Ken! My day was filled with Beginner's Mind and it was good.
    What drew me into this practice was the pleasant image of cleansing because cleansing is refreshing. And (not but), I also acknowledged the unpleasant image of the dust and cobwebs that had accumulated and need to be swept away. Thanks for the opportunity to refresh the spirit!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I am completely unable to make a list of spiritual things!
    I like the Beginners Mind, that feels right to me.

    What can I do to help the situation???

  7. I need to clean out all the things that have built up and gotten in the way of my spiritual being and practice. I need to be reminded of what is important and what I need to do to maintain balance.

  8. I guess the thing that draws me to this practice is having a daily spiritual focus. My life can be so chaotic that intentional spiritual practice tends to get lost in the life shuffle. It is also a way for me to connect with the community. Sometimes on Sundays, I have a hard time talking and connecting with all of you. I can be very shy with people I do not know, and I usually have my kids with me. That usually kills any kind of meaningful catching up or conversation hahahaha! I am really enjoying reading everyone's responses and ideas! Thank you for being so open and giving so unselfishly and so openly of these pieces of yourself!

  9. I'm very attatched to my clutter. do I really want to let it go?
