Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 4

Another name for the beginner's mind experience that we've been talking about is "keeping it green." This is about cultivating an attitude of curious appreciation for our lives, paying attention to the fundamental questions and essential experiences that are of value to us, and learning to stay in touch with them. It's about staying fresh, and not growing stale.

It's easy to lose touch, to live mindlessly for the moment, forgetting what matters, instead of living mindfully in the moment, remembering to stay conscious and connected. Part of this practice as it evolves over the month will involve pruning and weeding, letting go of the stuff that's no longer beneficial. Every gardener knows that this is part of keeping things green and growing.

But what to keep and what to toss, especially when everything seems to command our attention? We'll explore how we can discern how to do that wisely. For now, let's just know that it isn't always easy keeping it green or being green, but that it's an important aspiration.

With that, take it away Kermit...


  1. Keeping my mind clean and fresh is difficult when I feel like I am swimming in clutter. I feel like I first need to let go of all of the literal "stuff" that I no longer need to make room in my home for my spiritual self to grow.

  2. Staying in the moment and keeping out where I'm going next or what is on the to-do list or what happened yesterday is a practice I work hard to accomplish, and I succeed once in awhile.
